Plan early!
That is what I want all parents do when they have children. I believe you love your kids so much, that you will want to provide the best in bringing them up. Start planning when they are just born is essential, especially if you want them to have a good education. The cost of higher education in the future is not cheap, really! I am sure you want to give your kids the best education they can get right? So start as young as possible, as it gives you more time to save for them. The longer the period till they enter university, the smaller amount you need to save every year.
How much do you think is the cost of education in the future? Let's take a look.
All figures based on 4 years university degree.
1. Singapore.
Cost at year 2010 = $33,803.
Inflation at 3.5%.
Cost at year 2020 = $47,682.
Cost at year 2030 = $67,261.
2. United States.
Cost at year 2010 = $121,017.
Inflation at 4.8%.
Cost at year 2020 = $193,401.
Cost at year 2030 = $309,080.
3. United Kingdom.
Cost at year 2010 = $95,550.
Inflation at 5.2%.
Cost at year 2020 = $158,361.
Cost at year 2030 = $263,357.
4. Australia.
Cost at year 2010 = $61,710.
Inflation at 5.9%.
Cost at year 2020 = $109,475.
Cost at year 2030 = $194,211.
Now you know, what do you think about the cost? It is not that cheap right?
That is why you have to plan early for your child. Start thinking, where do you want your kids to study. Because the above figure is only the university cost, that is not including living cost! So if you are thinking of sending your kids overseas, you got to save even more.
Simple ways to start saving for your kids:
1. Make a new account in your bank and set aside some money every month to be put there and you can't touch it. Let it earn interest from the bank. This the safest way to plan. But overall you will still lose the value of your money, because the bank interest rate is far less than the inflation rate
2. Do a regular investment saving plan, where you can invest every month to enjoy dollar cost averaging (The point of this is to lower the total average cost per share of the investment, giving the investor a lower overall cost for the shares purchased over time). It is more risky than putting your money in the bank, but over the long run, it has potential of better return.
3. Start an endowment plan. It is almost the same like putting your money in fixed deposit in a bank. But endowment plan from insurance company give you at least 2 advantages. First,they will give bonus every year until the end of the endowment period (which may be more than the bank interest) and second, if something happens to you, the payor, the premium will continue to be paid by the insurance company. So that your child education fund is secured, no matter what. The downside of endowment is that you can't take the money until the policy matured. If you do take, there will be penalty.
It does not matter how you plan, just do it. Even combinations of all 3 above can work. Plan early!
Cheers! Have a great day.
1.Tuition Fees based on:
Estimated average cost of a 4-year (non-clinical course) university degree as of August 2010 • British Council website ( • US
College Board website ( • Study in Australia website ( • National University of Singapore
website ( • National Technological University website ( • Singapore Management University website (
2.Inflation Rate based on:
UK Office of National Statistics July 2010% change in Consumer Price Index for Education from July 2009 • US Bureau of Labour Statistics July 2010%
change in Consumer Price Index for Tuition, Other School Fees & Childcare from July 2009 • Australian Bureau of Statistics June Quarter 2010%
change in Consumer Price Index for Tertiary Education from June Quarter 2009 • Singapore Department of Statistics July 2010% change in Consumer
Price Index for Tuition & Other Fees from July 2009 • The respective inflation rates are used to calculate the projected tuition fees in Year 2015, 2020,
2025, 2030, 2035 and 2040.