Why even healthy people can get cancer?

Many people do not really understand why everybody is at risk from getting cancer.
Statistics shown that 1 in 3 people in Singapore died from cancer. So imagine if you are in a coffee shop, you are eating with 2 of your friends, you know that from statistics 1 of you will get cancer in this life time. The chance is high and it is scary if you think about it.

I found this answer in the internet which may enlightened you about cancer.

Taken from yahoo answer. Thanks to them.

You would think that most people would notice that . . extremely athletic people who are not obese, do not smoke or drink, eat healthy . . well, they still can get cancer despite all their efforts to avoid it . . there is a misconception among the public that cancer is 'caused' by the environment, smoking, obesity, unhealthy lifestyle, or it's genetic. The misconception continues that if they do not smoke, or drink, or take drugs, eat healthy, avoid carcinogens, exercise regularly, that they won't ever get cancer. However, just the fact that babies and children can get cancer should make everyone pause . . most children are well taken care of, fed well, active . . parents do everything right by having regular checkups, avoid carcinogens, feed them vitamin supplements . . and kids still get cancer.

The truth is that no one, not even healthcare providers, know what causes one person or one child to get cancer while another one does not. That is why you can find lung cancer among people who have never smoked a day in their life . . smoking is rotten for you . . but it is not the only factor that causes a person to get lung cancer.

What people should focus on, of course, is the risks . . if you smoke, you have a higher risk of developing cancer and if you do it will be more difficult for you to survive the disease. This is not the same as . . if you smoke you will get cancer. Because that is not true. Same with all other things . . do not drink to excess, smoke to excess, overeat, or do anything to excess because it places you at a higher risk for developing some types of cancer.

Ironically, the medical community and media spend so much time pointing out the risks of smoking and getting lung cancer that they fail to mention you could still develop a bone cancer or leukemia thats totally unrelated to cigarettes.

People should try to stay as healthy as possible, because no one knows who will develop cancer, which type that might develop. By staying healthy and strong people are than in the best position of all to fight cancer should it develop. Prevention and examining your own body for lumps, bumps or anything unusual should become standard practices at a young age. IMHO.

Reference: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070113113030AAlVKG5

Cheers! Have a great day.


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