
Yes, unfortunately sh*t still happens and will happen everyday.

Maybe you have read in my previous post titled "Sh*t happens", it is sad everytime we read this kind of story. But it is a fact of life and it will be there everyday of our life. There is no 1 day in the world where there is no accident, no sickness, no death, etc. There is always tragedy happen, even in the most unexpected way.

Let me share with you these 2 articles.

These 2 kind souls passed away very recently and it happens not because of their fault.

1 is a 22 years old guy who ran a marathon, he just collapsed when he reached the finish line and died. He is young, energetic and healthy. But sometimes, we just don't really know how our body works. Even if we go for a full medical check up, there might be certain illness that can't be discovered.

1 is a man in his 60s. He was in a car with his wife. He just stopped at a junction, then from no where a bus hit his car. The impact is so great that he died on the spot and his wife is injured. He was at no fault at all, he was just driving normally and following the traffic rules.

As you can see, 2 kind souls passed away. No one, and I said No one expect these events to happen. But it just did. No one can explain it. That's why I'm always talking about protection, protection, protection. Can you imagine if the one that passed away is the bread winner of the family? what if he has a wife and a kid? what about the home loan and other liabilities? who will bear the burden if it's not your loved ones.

Protecting your self and your family is about responsibility. It's about showing love and commitment. Do the right thing and plan now.

Cheers! Have a great day.


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