
Yes bonus time, the time that every working people look forward to, usually at the end of the year. Bonus is the most exciting part of working isn't it? I bet everyone is happy when they got a bonus. It proves that you have worked hard for the past year and you have done a good job, therefore you deserve the bonus.

Now, what should you do with your bonus? Everyone will surely have different answers.

So let's have a look at a news article taken from Straits Times. It will show you about what you should do with your bonus.

Summary of the article about what you should do with your bonus:
1. Minimize your debt.
2. Prepare for rainy days.
3. Build up an investment opportunity fund.
4. Invest.
5. Build up sugar daddy fund.

I think these are really great tips for everybody. Maybe you can try it too.

Cheers! Have a great day.


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