Ignorance is bliss

Have you heard that statement before? It means that if you ignore things, you believe you can feel happier. Because what you don't know, you believe it won't hurt you.

Many people that I met have that kind of mentality. They will just ignore the reality that bad things do happen in life. They will said "That will not happen to me! I'm just going to think about happy things. So bad things won't happen to me". Even though the facts are there, in front of their eyes! You can just turn on the TV, read the newspaper, browse websites and etc. It's there, everyday, everywhere! Whether it's about illness, death, accident, etc.

I'm totally confuse why people think they are invincible. It does not matter if they want to ignore it or not. When it happen, it happen. By that time, it may be too late to do anything. You are practically screwed and your loved ones as well.

I read this statement in Yahoo answer and I totally agree with this person. He said "Actually ignorance is not bliss. If you are ignorant, perhaps you won't feel bad realities, but still they do exist and cause the problems, and doesn't differ whether you know or not, but one difference: if you know the reality, since you are a Homo sapiens and have a creative mind, you can think of solutions and get over them."

This is the important message that I too want to convey to people. It does not matter if you want to ignore it or not, the problem is still exist. Isn't it better for you to be aware now and plan for a solution to that potential problems?

Of course the potential problems that I'm talking about here are premature death, disability, critical illness, hospitalization, accident, etc. which can cause financial difficulties for people if it were to happen. So I'm asking you to stop ignoring already. Plan for rainy days.

Cheers! Have a great day!

image from http://thecitymadcat.blogspot.sg/2009/11/some-thoughts-in-my-head-1.html
statement from http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100623215630AAMpLDh


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