Why pay more?

Insurance is about transfering your risks. You will only need to pay a small premium to get a relatively huge coverage. Then we will take your financial burden if something unexpected happens.

For example, a 25 years old in Singapore only need to pay about $350 a year to get a $500,000 medical coverage. No matter what, you will never pay premiums more than the coverage. Even as you get older and your premium increases, you will still pay less than the coverage that you get.

To me, that is a good damn bargain! Where in the world can I get $500,000 for $350?

To those who hate insurance, try saving $350 a year and see how long can you save till you accumulate $500,000. That's about 1428 years to save, considering the bank only gives 0.125% interest per year.

So why do you want to save that money your self and take on the risks? Why do you want to pay more when something happens? Isn't that considered foolish?

Take advantage of insurance to make your finances better. Why pay more when you can pay a little and we take on your risk and we cover you at all times?

You never know when you will get sick, no one knows. If you do know, please let me know, I want to ask you to predict the future of everyone.

With insurance, just $350 will give you $500,000 from the first day onward. If you save that money yourself, $350 will still stay at $350 on the first day.

Of course, if you still wish to accumulate $500,000 by saving your self, just remember that it will take 1428 years! Enjoy the journey.

I am happy because I know my money works hard for me. I got peace of mind knowing that I got $500,000 protection.

Are you happy seeing that $350 in the bank? Do you have peace of mind knowing that you only have $350 in the bank? I'm very sure you can imagine what is going to happen to your finances if something unexpected happens.

Cheers! Have a great day.


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